Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: Pressmatic

How To Perform Unit Testing with Pressmatic

I’ve been using Pressmatic for some time now, and I’m enjoying it. I’ve written about it in several posts (many of which you can see here). And one of the things that I dig the most about the software is that it comes with WP-CLI out of the box.

Unit Testing with Pressmatic and WP-CLI

From the homepage:

Simple root SSH access to individual sites. WP-CLI provided. Simply type wp after opening site SSH.

I’m currently working on a project in which I want to do some unit testing with Pressmatic. And though WP-CLI comes with the software, I need to do two type of testing:

  1. Unit testing with PHPUnit that does not require any WordPress scaffolding,
  2. WordPress-specific tests that does require the WordPress scaffolding.

Because Pressmatic uses a virtual machine setting up the necessary software is a little bit different than when you’re using something such as MAMP.

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Using PHP CodeSniffer with Pressmatic and Atom

Regarding my development environment, this is the first year that I’ve made drastic changes to my toolset in several years (once I find things I really like, I tend to stick with them).

Atom Packages for WordPress

Case in point, in the last few months alone:

And with these changes come some other necessary configuration changes. Specifically, I still use PHP CodeSniffer but, out of necessity, its setup and configuration have changed.

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Using Xdebug with Pressmatic

A few weeks ago, Pressmatic made a grand entrance into the WordPress development space with its unique positioning as a WordPress-specific development environment.

Pressmatic with WordPress Trunk

Specifically, it describes itself as such:

Pressmatic is a robust local WordPress manager. You won’t be disappointed with the ease of use, performance, and features.

I’ve been using it ever since (and talked about it in a couple of previous posts). Generally speaking, I’ve been really happy with one.

One of the features that it claims as a major benefit is:

One-click integration of Xdebug + PHPStorm.

And that’s great if you are using PHPStorm; however, those of you who’ve read this blog for any length of time within the past year or so know that I’m a fan of Codebug (which is essentially a front-end for Xdebug) and that I’ve made the switch to Atom.

So if you’re working with anything other than PHPStorm and you’re looking make use of Xdebug with Pressmatic, here’s a step-by-step guide for how to do so.

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A Pressmatic Image for WordPress Trunk

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post with using Pressmatic and a copy of WordPress from the Subversion repository, Kiko Doran asked me a good question via Twitter dealing with one of Pressmatic’s nicest features:

First, you can think of Pressmatic templates as preconfigured images that can be used to re-create a development environment. This is useful if you need to create a second or third or ninth install on your machine.

Or, better yet, it’s really convenient to have it available for your team so that you can make sure you’re all running the same image across all development machines.

Still, the question remains: Can you create an image that has trunk installed by default?

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