Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: Category Sticky Post (Page 1 of 2)

Category Sticky Post 2.1.0 – Support For Post Types

About six days ago, I released Category Sticky Post 2.0 that resolving a few bug fixes, and that introduced the following features:

  • Resolving a bug that marked the category as ‘unstuck’ when updating a post
  • Introduced a feature for disabling the category sticky border
  • Improving the coding standards of the plugin be separating the class into its own file
  • Improving the PHPDoc of the plugin

This morning, I just released Category Sticky Post 2.1.0.

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Category Sticky Post For WordPress 2.0 Now Available

Just a little over a year ago, I released my WordPress Category Sticky Post plugin. The initial concept was simple:

Category Sticky Post for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to mark a post as sticky within a specific category archive. It works exactly like the typical sticky post functionality within WordPress, except that it’s specifically for category archives.

And not a lot has changed since the first release.

Yes, I’ve made minor improvements here and there as evidenced by the changelog, but today I’m happy to officially release the second version of the plugin.

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Category Sticky Post 1.2

Last week, I release a relatively major update to Category Sticky Post. For those of you who have been reading this blog for some time, you know that I released the first version back in August of last year.

Since then, there are been several minor updates most of which were primary bug fixes or hot fixes.

Though this update is still a relatively minor update, it introduces a few things both behind-the-scenes and functionality-wise that should improve how it works especially with posts having multiple categories

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Category Sticky Post and Tag Sticky Post Updates

As the release candidates of WordPress 3.5 were being release, I spent time updating my plugins to make sure they were fully compliant with the latest version. Specifically, I’ve been trying to patch any outstanding bugs and issues before working on new features.

Last week, I updated both Category Sticky Post and Tag Sticky Post.

Since the plugins are so similar, I’m covering updates for both plugins in this post.

What’s New?

Because both plugins serve the same purpose save for the taxonomy on which they operate, the updates are nearly identical. That said, only a single new feature has been introduced:

  • Added a function to dynamically create custom.css if the file doesn’t exist.

Since users often want to style the look and feel of their plugin to match the color scheme of their blog, this particular solution works as it conditionally introduces a stylesheet that will only be added if it doesn’t already exist.

That means that if an update occurs, a user won’t lose their styles.

Other Updates

The outstanding issues that exist that are now resolved are:

  • Updating localization files
  • Updating function calls to use updated PHP conventions
  • Verifying compatibility with WordPress 3.5

Obviously, relatively minor stuff.

What’s Up Next?

As of now, there’s nothing on the roadmap other than making sure the plugins continue to be compliant with WordPress best practices. They are narrowly scoped plugins that attempt to solve a very specific need without feature bloat.

That said, I’m always up for suggestions and comments so feel free to shoot them my way.

How I Built The Category Sticky Post and Tag Sticky Post WordPress Plugins

Yesterday, I released two plugins for WordPress – Category Sticky Post and Tag Sticky Post – both of which serve the same purpose:

Allows authors to mark a post to be placed at the top of a specified archive. It’s sticky posts specifically for an archive.

The only difference is that one is specifically intended for category archives, the other with tag archives. And thus explains the clever names of each of the plugins.

As with my other plugins, I wanted to share my notes on what into building Category Sticky Post and Tag Sticky Post.

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