Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: Pressware Plugins

Scheduled Post Shortcut for WordPress

Scheduled Post Shortcut for WordPress is officially available in the WordPress Plugin Repository and is the second plugin that’s officially available via Pressware.

A few months ago, Easier Excerpts was a plugin that was released to help make it just a little bit easier to manage excerpts when composing blog posts.

Scheduled Post Shortcut is another plugin that attempts to stay in the same vein of simplicity while also making it easier to streamline the publishing process.

But what does that mean and what’s the story behind the plugin?

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Pressware Plugins For a Better Blogging Experience

Pressware Plugins is something that I’ve been talking about in a few different posts before this one. I’ve spoken of the project in the following posts:

And I’ve also talked about the first, free plugin we’ve launched: Easier Excerpts.

As of today, Eric and I have officially launched the Pressware Plugins storefront, so I thought it’d be a good idea to talk about what the purpose of the project is, what you can expect, and what’s in the pipeline of work.

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Easier Excerpts For WordPress

Easier Excerpts for WordPress is a simple plugin, the first for Pressware Plugins actually, that we recently released.

When you think about combining the tediousness of blogging couple with the proverbial low-hanging fruit, this seemed like a natural choice for a first product. Plus, it falls in line with our goal of trying to help make a better blogging experience.

But if you’re like me, then you like reading some of the back-stories that go into projects like this. So here’s some more information on the plugin, specifically for you bloggers, and then a back-story as to why we chose it, how we chose it, and what’s up next.

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