One of the things that I dig about the WordPress community – or, really, any open source community – is the diversity that exists with respect to its contributions.

For WordPress specifically, I always get a kick out of seeing the various plugins, themes, documentation, and other projects that people create that help others do their job better.

These include things like the Developer plugin and the Underscores theme. Projects like this and contributions from others are those that help keep me motivated to continue working on the Widget and the Plugin boilerplates.

The thing is, there are alternative projects that are out there that help do the same thing, and I’m way more a fan of the collaborative environment than the competitive environment (at least when it comes to educating others!).

Case in point: Mario Peshev’s WordPress Plugin Base.

Straight from the plugin page itself:

The DX Plugin Base plugin includes best practices and code snippets to create your own WordPress plugin.

Learn how to build custom post types and taxonomies, add metaboxes, include external JS/CSS files properly and much more.

Simply put, this plugin aims to provide basic education around more than just creating a plugin. It targets custom post types, taxonomies, custom meta boxes, and much more.

Mario is looking for the community to begin contributing to the project to make it the best, advanced foundation that it so be sure to check it out on GitHub, as well.

In a recent comment, he shared:

Anyone who would like to join forces for ? It has about 400 downloads on WPORG and I’d be happy to work out a better version with other developers

For those of you who are looking to download and install the plugin from within the WordPress dashboard, you can do so by searching for ‘DX Plugin Base’ or by heading over the plugin’s homepage.