During the holidays, most of us slow down a bit from what we’re used to doing every day so that we can actually hang out with friends and family or so that we can catch up on something we’ve waited a long time to do.

You know, like reading or a playing a game or something like that.


One of the things that I have a habit of doing is throwing a ton of content into Pocket and then planning to read it when I actually have time.

Must Read WordPress Articles, Volume 1

Over the last few months, I’ve come across some really good WordPress-related content that I thought I’d share. Since mot of us are taking it a bit easier than usual this time of year, I thought I’d share some of what I found interesting.

And there you go. There’s more to share, of course, but I’ll likely be waiting until the next holiday – like New Year’s Eve – or so, to share more.

After all, there’s only so much we can read in a single sitting or without it going into Pocket oblivious, right? :)