I typically don’t post on Saturdays, and I usually let those who have signed up to receive emails via Postmatic get their summary via email once a week.


But not everyone reads blogs the same way, and not everyone subscribes via email, so I thought I’d try something new. That is, this is an experiment (and I invite your critique at the end of the post).

With that said, here is a summary of the posts from this week.

The Week of February 28, 2016

Here are the posts from the past week:

  1. The Right Hook to Initialize WordPress Plugins
  2. Detecting Copy and Paste in JavaScript
  3. Sharing GPL Code and Its Ethics
  4. Praise in Public, Reprimand in Private
  5. Using PHP CodeSniffer with Atom

Duplicate Information?

One of the challenges of blogging daily and also having some people receive a digest of content each week via their inbox is that I don’t know who is getting what and how.

I don’t want to flood anyone with too much information, nor do I expect people to read every post. To that end, this post is largely an experiment.

If you don’t mind, please take a moment to shoot me an email and let me know if you find this type of post useful or not. If it works out well, I’ll keep it up; if not, then I won’t continue doing things like this. Easy as that!

On to the weekend :).