From Christmas to New Years, I’ve typically taken time off of work to celebrate the holidays and to spend time with family and friends.
During this time, I usually spend time off of social media and blogging and this year is no different (in fact, I’ve been off certain services for the last month or so save for the work day).
To that end, I’m looking forward to hanging out with my friends and family (and each year gets more and more fun and interesting as the kiddos get older).
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal (And a Happy New Year)
Last year, I did a short retrospective of the year, but I’m going to pass on doing that this year and try to devote doing a post about it, for the first time, before the year is up.
Suffice it to say it’s been a great year but arguably one of the busiest we’ve had in the last half a decade or so. It’ll be fun to reflect on some of those things.
A quick rundown of some of the things that have happened as far as work is concerned:
- The membership section of the site has grown more and more, and I’m proud of the content that’s been published thus far.
- I’ve got some stellar site sponsors all of whom you can visit on the sidebar of the site.
- The newsletter continues to grow in subscribers, and I aim to make sure it contains a solid summary of all of the content for the past month for those who aren’t able to follow along as frequently as others.
- I’ve continued to build some cool things with Pressware, and I’m looking forward to talking more about that later. I’ve also spent my first year as part of a mastermind group, and it’s been nothing short of a stellar experience.
- As far as fitness is concerned, I successfully worked out about 45 weeks of the year (maybe more, but I’ve not gone back to look just yet).
- Though I’ve not recorded any music (beyond whatever videos I happened to share on Instagram this year), I have spent more time playing the guitar than I have in years past.
- I finally got a chance to read more this year than I had in years past and loved it. This ranged from material from Stephen King to HP Lovecraft and more. I’m looking to significantly reduce screen time in the coming year and get back to reading again.
- And all of the above is somewhat related to the summary I provided last year. I’ll aim to cover more in a future post.
I’ll still be sharing a few things online after Chritsmas, but don’t plan on being online much to respond to tweets or emails.
But, for now, I’m looking forward to some downtime.
To You and Yours
Whatever it is you celebrate, or even if you don’t celebrate anything, I hope you have a fantastic time off and start 2019 as strong as possible.
I’m looking forward to continuing in the new year!