Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Speaking (Page 4 of 14)

Posts covering presentations I’ve given, talks I’ve shared, and meetups I’ve attended.

One Strategy For Preparing Presentations

If you were to ask me about preparing presentations several years ago, my advice would’ve been very different than it is today. I would have said something like this:

  • Come up with an idea about which you want to speak
  • Create an outline for the topic with each point having two or three bullet points under each of those points
  • Write out a script
  • Review it enough times until you have the gist of it committed to memory
  • Create slides based on your outline
  • Rehearse until comfortable

This may work for many people, and if it does, I’m not knocking it. I’m saying this how I used to prepare for them.

In recent talks I’ve given, I’ve taken a different approach, and think they’ve been some of the better presentations I’ve given. To be clear, I’m not trying to sound arrogant: I don’t mean my presentations are great, nor do I mean that I’m a great presenter. But I mean the way in which I prepare for presentations has become easier and has yielded presentations that are more “me.” That is, there’s less rehearsed script, me talking about the subject matter as if I

But I mean the way in which I prepare for presentations has become easier and has resulted in talks that are more “me.”

That is, there’s less rehearsed script, a more of me talking about the subject matter as if I was sitting across a table at a coffee shop with me talking about it.

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The Truth About The Environment (My Talk at WordCamp Atlanta 2016)

WordCamp Atlanta 2016 this past weekend and it was an a blast. I met a lot of great, incredibly smart people, and had the opportunity to hang out with some people who I’ve known online for a while.

The Truth About Development Environments

Doing the best I can to look like I know what I’m talking about :).

I’ll do a full write-up about the event later.

For now, I wanted to share my slides and my notes about the talk I gave on development environments titled The Truth About The Environment.

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Speaking at WordCamp Atlanta 2016

This weekend, I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Atlanta 2016. If you’re in town for the conference, then let’s aim to say hey or to hang out a bit at the conference.

WordCamp Atlanta 2016

There are a lot of great speakers and a lot of great sessions from which you get to choose. And, if you’re a beginner, don’t forget to check out the beginner’s workshop that will be later today (at the time of this writing).

This year, I’ll be talking on Sunday at 11:00 am so if you have a chance to fit it into your schedule, then I hope to see you there.

Specifically, I’ll be talking through a few things that aim to give people a primer on professional WordPress development practices.

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Local WordPress Meetups (Mine and Yours)

Local WordPress Meetups, versus WordCamps and other similar events, are really cool events if you can find them in your area.

Luckily, I live in a place where there are meetups for users, for developers, for those looking to get started in WordPress, and everything in between. Needless to say, I’m proud of the Atlanta-area WordPress community (speaking of which, are you coming to WordCamp Atlanta?).

Local WordPress Meetups

A few years ago, I participated in my first local WordPress meetup: WordPress Gwinnett. It was generally what you’d expect. There were neat people, solid topics that were being discussed, and people learning about what other people were up to in their day-to-day with WordPress.

But then life happened (in a good way, to be clear) and I had to step away; however, things have settled and I’m ready to get back into attending the meetups the first of which is this week.

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An Interview on The Art of Value

Earlier this year, I had the honor of being featured as a guest on The Art of Value podcast hosted by Kirk Bowman.

For those who haven’t heard of the show, Kirk attempts to answer the question:

How do you create happy customers and earn more money?

Of course, the goal isn’t all about money. It’s about building successful, sustainable businesses and making sure you aren’t underpricing yourself for the services and/or products you offer.

This is something I think many freelancers or those who are self-employed struggle with managing. At least, that’s something I’ve experienced in my own career (and something I still work to refine).

And that’s why I was happy to participate on the show.

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