Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Articles (Page 228 of 255)

Personal opinions and how-to’s that I’ve written both here and as contributions to other blogs.

Functions.php vs Plugin, Who Wins?

When it comes to introducing custom functionality into a WordPress project, the debate between functions.php vs. plugin usage is nothing new.

Generally speaking, I think of themes are presentation and plugins as functionality that transcend whatever theme or themes with which they’re installed.

But sometimes, this delineation isn’t so clear. For example, let’s say that you’re working on a theme that needs to introduce a custom meta box – or several – into the post editor screen.

Though this is presentation related in that it will impact what’s displayed to the users, it’s also a bit of custom functionality but it’s only relegated to this particular theme.

What then?

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Tell Me: What Have You Done?

When it comes to building, launching, and maintaining your own projects – be it software, hardware, blogs, sites, songs, paintings, …, anything, etc. – one of the things that you have to be prepared for is the amount of criticism to which you’re opening yourself up.

Granted, you have to take the good with the bad, but the problem with the bad is that it’s so much easier to take to heart and/or focus on that the good, right?

But the irony in this is that not only do we subject ourselves to said criticism, but some also offer criticism to what others have done.

If you’re on the receiving end of said criticism, it’s easy to get defensive; if you’re on the giving end of the criticism, it’s easy to mask it as constructive when, in fact, it may not be at all.

So how do we deal with this kind of stuff on a day-to-day basis?

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Don’t Copy WordPress Plugins

The conversation about the ethics of what it means to copy WordPress plugins, theme, applications, and more isn’t new. In fact, just the other day, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about what competition looks like in various marketplaces.

Based on my conversation with him (and a number of others, for what it’s worth), there tends to be two schools of thought on releasing products into a marketplace that can be summed up in the following two statements:

  • If a similar product already exists, don’t do it.
  • If a similar product already exists, do it.

Sure, that’s an oversimplification of the idea and there’s a lot to be said about both; however, I’ve seen this same thing discussed in the context of both WordPress theme and plugin development.

Specifically, the quote I read was as follows:

1. Check the plugin repository to see if similar plugin exists.

2. If so, don’t reinvent the wheel.

Initially, I categorically disagreed with this perspective. Continue reading

The Tension of Writing on Medium

Of all of the various blogging and/or digital publishing platforms that are available, the one that has intrigued me the most has been Medium.

Last night, I received an invite (though I’ve yet to write my first post), but there are already points of tension that I feel when it comes to writing on Medium.

Writing on Medium

Before I actually get into that, I actually really dig what they are doing with comments, authenticating with Twitter (one less login!), collections, and so on.

But here’s the thing: I feel as if the service looks so good that it invites only the best content that I – or anyone – can write before actually hitting publish.

There’s a lot wrapped up in that.

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An Introduction To The WordPress PHP Coding Standards

Comments on are closed on this post so we can keep the discussion on the original articles.

I’ve written several times about the importance of coding standards in both development in general, as well as it relates to WordPress. In short, I think that coding standards are often overlooked but can help contribute so much to improving the quality of the code that we write for ourselves, for the overall economy, and for future contributors.

I’ve recently completed an eight part series for WPTuts+ that provides an in-depth look at the WordPress PHP Coding Standards. Throughout the series, I look at each aspect of the coding standards, tease out the significance of why they are the way that they are, and how to make sure that you’re properly applying them in your work.

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