The WordPress theme market is at a weird place right now. Simply put, a lot of people will state the themes have now become a commodity. Sometimes, people consider this a bad thing, others consider it a more of a neutral fact that’s more or less a representation of where the WordPress economy currently sits.
Regardless of what your perspective may be, people still want to blog, people still need to have good-looking, functional websites, and people still need to have reputable places from which to purchase their themes.
And that’s why I dig (and recommend) Array Themes.
Who Are Array Themes?
Array is a theme-shop manned by Mike McAlister and John Parris both of whom are stellar people to follow. In short, the products they produce and support:
- Are well-designed
- Have beautiful typography (perhaps this is a bit subjective, but I challenge you to find at least one theme that can’t match that statement)
- Follow the WordPress Coding Standards
- Sell from their own shop,, and ThemeForest
- Create themes for almost any niche of personal blogging
- …and offer exceptional quality in a marketplace that’s crowded with other products that often fall flat
On top of that, they offer a plugin that’s compatible with many of their themes that introduce additional functionality.
Why Array?
For several years, I was involved in building WordPress themes – both as part of a team and as part of my own gig – but as my own business has continued to grow and take shape, I’ve been doing much more contract-related work rather than products.
I don’t think one is any better than the other, but I’m personally more fulfilled doing contract work – and I’m more focused on that particular aspect of the business – than I am for building products and selling them.
At least for now.
But that doesn’t mean that I don’t need my own theme (obviously, you’re reading this blog, right? :). Nor does it mean that I don’t want to partner with those who fulfill a need that I don’t offer. When doing that, though, I want to make sure that I’m giving the best recommendation that I possibly can.
Considering all of the above and considering that I use one of Array’s themes for this blog (and that I’ve been really happy with the end result), I thought it made sense to share my experience with the company and to make sure I recommend them for those who are looking for solid, high-quality themes aimed specifically towards those who want to blog in some capacity.
If that’s you or anyone you know and you’re looking for a solid recommendation on themes for a variety of types of blogging, then I highly recommend checking out Array Themes.