A couple of days ago, I shared that I was looking to put some of my plugins up for adoption. I’ll go into a bit more details as to why later in this post, but I’m happy to say the WordPress plugins are adopted.
It’s funny to talk about little side projects as if they are your pets – then again, we do have the phrase “pet projects” so I suppose it makes sense in this context. ♂️
At any rate, as I said, they’ve all been adopted, and I couldn’t be more excited as to where they are going. Though it would have been fine for each one to go to a different developer, they’re all going to fall under Philip Arthur Moore’s ownership.
Professional Themes, Press Build, and Plugins
I first met Philip years ago when I was working with a team who maintained a theme that was selling a theme in the WordPress.com repository. Since then, both he and I have moved on to other ventures (both still within the WordPress space).
If you’ve ever met Philip, you know who’s one of the smartest and most likable guys in our part of the industry. Furthermore, he’s now working as CTO at Professional Themes which aims to help businesses create stunning websites.

Professional Themes helps businesses create stunning websites.
Furthermore, you can follow the company writings at Press Build which is a Medium publication.

Official product updates, digital agency work, opinions, and advice on business ownership from the Professional Themes team.
And I highly recommend adding the feed to your reader because if you’re working in WordPress at any capacity, then you get invaluable advice from someone working in the industry at a professional level with a distributed team and writing about the experience.
WordPress Plugins Are Adopted: What Now?
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Philip’s side projects, you may be familiar with Subtitles. It’s a plugin that falls right in line with my personal ethos of how things should work with WordPress: You activate it, it’s ready to go, and it feels native within the application.
Add subtitles into your WordPress posts, pages, custom post types, and themes. No coding required. Simply activate Subtitles and you’re ready to go.
Ultimately, the goal of taking these relatively-low-traction plugins is:
To spend time and intern on the plugins and actually give them some love … In short: I’m committing man hours via staff (and me) to making sure these are taken care of the way they need to be taken care of.
It’s a pretty sweet deal, isn’t it?
What’s Next?
Within the next few days, I’ll be adding everything in the repository over to Philip’s ownership, making sure my username is associated with the plugins that fall under Pressware’s ownership, and then all should be well within the world of these plugins.

Plugins specifically for bloggers by Pressware.
Finally, thank you to all of those who tweeted and emailed me regarding adoption of the plugins. I dig knowing there are those of you who are looking to make sure things like this are taken care of if someone puts them up for adoption.
Speaking of which, if you’re one of those people, don’t forget to check out these plugins in the repository. Other than that, I’m happy to have Philip focusing on these while I can move things a bit further with the other set of plugins I’m looking to bring under Pressware.