This weekend, I got a message from a fellow WordPress-developer whom I highly respect. In the note, Mario asked:
I was curious, do you follow other WP bloggers or have a go-to list for people still actively writing?
Which is a good question because, to be honest, there aren’t that many people I know in WordPress who blog regularly.
This isn’t to say there aren’t a lot of people in WordPress who are active on Twitter or actively sharing their stuff on other channels like GitHub, Slack, newsletters, etc., but there aren’t many people who are actively writing on their blogs.
And maybe it’s weird, maybe it’s not, but I’d assume that those involved in WordPress development of some sort would occasionally write on some place on the web.
WordPress Blogs Worth Our Time
The natural end of to this post is to ask if you blog regularly using WordPress? Obviously, I have comments closed because I think places like Twitter have a greater reach. I’ll have more info on this in a moment.
But in the meantime, I thought I’d share the subscriptions I keep in Feedly (yes, I still use RSS, and the death of Google Reader didn’t kill it for me 😁) as well as those who I regularly receive in my inbox and think are worth a developers’ time to read.
In no particular order:
- The Man in the Arena by Carl Alexander
- Curtis McHale
- Pippin Williamson
- Chris Lema
- Delicious Brains who are behind such tools such as Migrate DB Pro
And then there are the usual suspects whom I think most people in WordPress read or to whom they subscribe:
That said, if there are people that you regularly read and they aren’t in the list above, then let me know. I’m happy to follow those people via their blogs, at a minimum.
To help get the word out, please mention me in some way so I can see it in my feed (or mention @no_fear_inc) and we’ll be happy to retweet it. It’d be nice to have a set of regular bloggers in this space [again].