Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: WordPress (Page 201 of 218)

Articles, tips, and resources for WordPress-based development.

A Few Thoughts on WordPress Craftsmanship

One of the words that has begun to surface in the software development community in the last few years is craftsman. I attribute this to Uncle Bob Martin, his Clean Code book, and his whole Clean Coder movement (for lack of a better term).

I want to be clear: I love this idea. I’m a fan of Bob Martin and attribute much of the way that I approach software development to him (among a few others).

But a lot of his work is done in the context of the enterprise. That is, he speaks largely to people who are working on large-scale systems for large companies.

Good coding principles transcend their environment though, right?

On top of that, WordPress in an of itself could be considered an enterprise-level application not only considering how widely used it is, but how many large sites it actually powers.

With all of that said, I’ve been thinking a lot about WordPress craftsmanship as it relates to themes, plugins, and applications, and thought I’d share some of them here.

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Show The Date on Every Post in WordPress

When it comes to displaying the date on blog posts, many WordPress themes – not all, but many – opt to display the date on the most recent post of the day, and then simply display the title and the content for the rest of the posts throughout the day.

This results in the content feed looking something like this:

But not everyone likes that. Luckily, there is an easy fix for this.

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WordPress Hub Magazine

One of the things that I love to see is how people use different ways to contribute to the WordPress community. Outside of the usual theme, plugin, and application development efforts, there are also a number of blogs, sites, and podcasts (of which I should have more information on later this month, as well).

Thanks to Apple, the iTunes store, and the Newsstand application, authors are now able to publish their own magazines to the App Store.

One of the latest contributions I’ve found in the WordPress community is WordPress Hub Magazine.

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Talking About WordPress in High School

This past year, I’ve participated in a number of different meetups and speaking engagements all of which are oriented around blogging, WordPress, development, or something similar.

Generally speaking, I’ve enjoyed the events that I’ve attended. I always try to keep it really laid back (I make a lot of my presentations in Paper, even), and do what I can to make the events more of a discussion rather than a lecture.

For the most part, it goes well, but yesterday was a bit of a different audience: high school students.

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WordPress Settings Sandbox: A Working Example of the Settings API

A few months ago, I completed a series of articles for Envato called The Complete Guide To The WordPress Settings API.

The purpose of the series was to walkthrough the WordPress Settings API taking a look at sections, settings, fields, and how they all fit together to properly build a WordPress project using menus, tabbed navigation, input elements, and data sanitization all of which interact properly with the WordPress database.

As part of the article, I also provided an open-source project called the WordPress Settings Sandbox that was to serve as a working demonstration of the WordPress Settings API. Continue reading

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