Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: WordPress Plugins (Page 2 of 2)

Iterating on WordPress Administration Screen Design

The idea of an “iterative process” is nothing new in software development. It’s present in a number of different methodologies and likely because it works well especially when getting customer feedback.

One of the places that I also find it useful is when building administration interfaces for WordPress plugins.

To be clear, I’m not a designer, so when it comes to front-end work, I always refer to the style guide and the mockups the designer provides to me from the outset of the project. (I only mention this because I think it’s a practice anyone who’s not a designer should follow, but I digress).

But when it comes to working on administration screens or back-end screens for WordPress, I tend to follow a strict rule: Make sure it looks as natural as possible.

How, then, do iterative development and the interface of WordPress administration screens have anything to do with each other?

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Jetpack Alternatives Worth the Price

I joke with friends that Jetpack has become like the operating system of WordPress.

This isn’t to knock the good work the people at Jetpack are doing (because they are doing good work, are actively engaged in the community, and continue to iterate on the product).

But there are times where people don’t want to install Jetpack. Instead, they prefer to use third-party tools for whatever reasons. To each their own, right?

And there are quality Jetpack alternatives.

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