Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: WordCamp (Page 2 of 2)

Running a Business in Technology, Part 1

Running a business in technology can be a challenging thing especially if you have a background in technology.

No, it’s not that I elevate those in technology above anyone else in any other field, but it’s that I know this field, and I know the challenges that come with how we may want to implement solutions versus how others may want the solution implemented.

Talking about running a business at WCSD.

Talking about running a business at WCSD. Photo Credit to @damiensam.

In a sense, we have to balance a level of pragmatism with what we’re delivering to the business and with how we may want to engineer the final solution. At the same time, we have to do this while keeping up with the changing landscape of technology.

At WordCamp San Diego, I spoke with Personal Growth – Running a Business and Keeping up with Changing TechnologyIn this post and the one following, I’ll  be discussing some of the points outlined in that presentation.

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Headed To WordCamp San Diego 2016

WordCamp San Diego 2016 is taking place this weekend and I’m pretty stoked about it.

This particular WordCamp is going to be a couple of firsts for me. Specifically…

  1. I’ll be speaking at any type of WordPress event that’s not in Georgia,
  2. I’ll be speaking on the business track (as opposed to the developer track).

I’m also looking forward to meeting a number of people who I’ve yet to meet face-to-face, and I’m looking forward to catching up with those I haven’t seen in quite a while.

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The Truth About The Environment (My Talk at WordCamp Atlanta 2016)

WordCamp Atlanta 2016 this past weekend and it was an a blast. I met a lot of great, incredibly smart people, and had the opportunity to hang out with some people who I’ve known online for a while.

The Truth About Development Environments

Doing the best I can to look like I know what I’m talking about :).

I’ll do a full write-up about the event later.

For now, I wanted to share my slides and my notes about the talk I gave on development environments titled The Truth About The Environment.

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WordCamp Atlanta 2013: Level-Up Your WordPress Development Skills

As previously mentioned, WordCamp Atlanta 2013 will take place on March 15 – 16 at The Loudermilk Center. I’ll be speaking on Saturday, March 16th at 9:00am for the Developer Track.

Specifically, I’ll be speaking on how to Level-Up Your WordPress Development Skills.

Generally speaking, I’ll be looking to speak to both beginner and intermediate WordPress developers, but hopefully providing some useful information for advanced developers, as well.

That said, I thought it may be worth looking at a few of the topics I’m planning to cover during the course of the talk:

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