Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: Season 1 (Page 1 of 2)

Episode 8 – Finale

When I started the podcast at the beginning of the year, I’d planned to do it for at least a year. But some seriously good things have come up since January – namely that our family is growing 🙂 – and I’m all for priorities.

Right now, my big focus is on my family, friends, and work (which includes blogging). So, to that end, I’m putting the podcast on an indefinite hiatus. Normally, that’s a polite way of saying “I don’t think I’ll be doing this again.”

That’s not true in this case, though.

Instead, it’s something that I’ll eventually come back to doing once the new normal has set. With that, though, I decided to try to make this episode longer than the previous episode.

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Episode 7 – On Gutenberg

It’s been a really busy month, so this episode is coming out just about as late as it can for a monthly podcast.

If you’re reading this post, then chances are the latest episode is already available on your favorite podcast service.

In this particular episode, I’ve got a new sponsor with a coupon code specifically for listeners, so be sure to check that out (in addition to the content, of course).

And with that, here are the notes from the episode.

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Episode 6 – PHP, UI, UX, A11Y, APIs (Oh My)

Regarding the podcast, two of the best things that’ve happened since the previous episode is that the number of questions is steadily increasing and people are saying they appreciate the length of the show.

So that’s good stuff, as far as I’m concerned.

Anyway, if you’ve previously subscribed to the show, then this episode should be available in your favorite app or service.

With that, here are the notes for this episode.

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Episode 5 – Events and Competence

Regarding the podcast, two of the best things that’ve happened since the previous episode is that the number of questions is steadily increasing and people are saying they appreciate the length of the show.

So that’s good stuff, as far as I’m concerned.

Anyway, if you’ve previously subscribed to the show, then this episode should be available in your favorite app or service.

With that, here are the notes for this episode.

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Code Reviews (That’s Alright)

This episode published a little later than usual because of Spring Break, covers one of my favorite topics: code reviews.

Podcast Episode 4: Code Reviews

If you’re already a subscriber, then the episode should already be available on your app or service of choice. If not, look it up on any of the reviews linked below.

This episode features a multi-part answer for a multi-part question along with some info about WordCamp Atlanta and WordSesh.

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