At the time of running this post, this week’s Newsletter has dropped. It includes more articles, tutorials, etc. Here are some of the resources:
- jQuery.mentionsInput is a plugin that makes it easy to introduce the ability to “@mention” someone within the context of your web application exactly like you would if you were on Twitter or Facebok.
- Pokki is a platform for creating desktop applications using the standard web-based programming languages (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
- A collection free fonts provided by Smashing Magazine. These are always good especially if your design-handicapped.
- Ingredients is an application for offline viewing of Apple’s Cocoa documentation.
- Growl Notifications achieved in nothing more than HTML5 and CSS3. Really good looking, IMHO.
- Impress.js is a JavaScript-based presentation tool that borrows heavily from Prezzi. A cool alternative to, ahem, PowerPoint for your next presentation.
- jQuery UI Bootstrap takes the Twitter Bootstrap libraries and applies them to jQuery UI widgets. Exceptional resource for client-side developers looking for clean interfaces.
- Color Thief is a great tool for pulling the dominate colors out of an image. Utilities like this are especially useful when you’re looking to put together a pallete for a design.
- JSDev is a new utility by Douglas Crockford for activating selected comments and making them executable. You can read more about the application on his Google+ Post.
- twss.js is a simple JavaScript library for adding “that’s what she said” to the end of content throughout your project.
If you want more, don’t forget to subscribe!
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