Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Notes (Page 7 of 49)

Notes on programming-related problems that I’ve encountered while working on various projects.

How To Enter Your SSH Passphrase Once

The idea behind have an SSH passphrase is security and I’m all for that. When it comes to working on a large project where you’re pulling updates from a repository and running composer update to make sure all of the associated packages are updated, it gets a little tedious, though.

Assuming you’re comfortable with wanting to enter your SSH phrase once (so you’re not having to do it for every single dependency you’re installing), it’s really easy to store the passphrase.

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Resources for Reading Before 2020

I’m not one for setting specific goals or making resolutions at the end of the year. But when I look back at this blog and how it changed over the course of 2019, it’s evident that I blogged far less than I did in previous years.

There are several factors for this, none of which are bad, just the changing nature of life, work, and all that.

But I was hard, ahem, pressed to set a goal for this blog in the next year it’d be to get back to blogging more frequently but also:

  • with shorter posts,
  • spending time some time linking out to things I’ve read that I found interesting.

So rather than wait until next year, why not start now?

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Quick Tip: Deleting a Git Tag

When working with Git, there are a number of things that I find myself doing often enough that I assume I’m not the only one who has encountered the task.

So I thought I’d start a set of posts related to working with Git that may prove useful for anyone who’s also working with Git and who may be also encounter something similar.

These aren’t long posts. Instead, simple things that you can do that may help you with your work.

The only thing I want to note is that I don’t use a Git GUI. This does not mean they can’t work with a GUI (since you can use them simultaneously), but they are meant to be used on the command-line.

First: Deleting a Git Tag.

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My Unplanned Halftime (A “What’s Up?” Post)

I’m not one to usually start a blog post with “it’s been a while since I’ve last blogged” because it’s usually followed by an apology as if the people who consistently read the blog or follow the blog have been waiting with bated breath for the next post to come out.

But is that ever really the truth? I can’t imagine that scenario.

That doesn’t mean I’m not doing that with this post, though. Because it has been a while since I’ve blogged. I’m not going to be making any apologies for it, though.

Instead, how about a few updates as to what’s been going on and what I’m planning to do with the rest of the year?

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