Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Notes (Page 6 of 49)

Notes on programming-related problems that I’ve encountered while working on various projects.

Using PHPCS with Oh My Zsh

If you’re using macOS Catalina (or later depending on when you’re reading this post) and you’re also running a combination of:

And you’re using the latter installed at a global level but your IDE nor your terminal sessions are able to pick it up, make sure that you’ve updated your path.


Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration.


This means if you’re going to make any changes to your path, you need to update ~/.zshrc.

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It is a blog, sure, but it is also a wiki. It’s a spot where I can post ideas, snippets, resources, thoughts, collections, and other bits and pieces that I find interesting and useful. Instead of always being a “performance” level of blogging, it can be a looser more human endeavor that drops the idea of robots sorting the content (in this case simply by date created) and embraces the idea of curation, by me, for you.

My blog is a digital garden, Not a blog,
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Previously, I wrote about updating the content of the blog.

Part of doing that included the desire to select a different theme (preferably one that brings back Post Formats because I never didn’t like them), and to expand the type of content about which I’m writing.

Though I’m still working on the tagline for the type of content that I want to begin incorporating, it’s the first of a few steps for a new direction.

Some Reading for February 2020

This year, one of the things I’m trying to do is revive the whole Must Read articles that I used to write.

With it being the second month of the year, I can say that I’ve had a 100% success rate in doing that so long as I actually publish this post (which, given that read you’re reading it, I have).

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