In August 2022, I started a series on Learning to Build Block Editor Blocks and I continued it for several months. The last thing I wrote in the series was the following:
So as I continue with the series, we’re first going to look at what’s required to implement a custom block that includes:
- a heading,
- a paragraph,
- and an input field to help guide the ultimate output.
We’ll continue to use the customization options we’ve outlined in this post and show how we can apply them to what the user provides and how to ignore them for what we, as the developer, provide.
After that, we’ll look at adding an input to the frontend of the site as well as incorporating a SlotFill.
And though I had intentions to follow through starting at the beginning of the new year, I obviously never followed through with the series. In all of the years that I’ve been writing, sharing code, and generally participating in all things PHP, WordPress, and development, I don’t think I’ve ever simply declared bankruptcy on an actual series or even just on the consistency of blogging in general.
But that’s what I’m doing in this post.
Bankruptcy on Block Editor Blocks
Over the past year or so, a lot has changed both professionally and personally. Generally speaking, it’s all for the better.
For those who have read this blog in its entirety or even within the past few years, you’ve seen the consistency drop and for every time I try to start to get back in the groove, I end up with something like a false start.
It’s not that I don’t want to write nor is it that I don’t have things about which I’d like to write. It’s that times change, the work I do has somewhat changed, the things in which I’m interested and would like to cover has changed (or maybe expanded? I’m not sure what the best word is to use).
Regardless, I can give some thing that resembles the things of some of the things that have happened:
- We’ve moved.
- The kids are getting older and more involved in their extracurriculars and my wife and I are obviously wanting to continue to spend time with them both there and outside of school and activities.
- The work I’m doing in my day-to-day has me working deeply in PHP, which is great, and having to incorporate some really cool research and development into some of our tools,
- I’m starting to research and integrate AI a little more each week,
- I’ve begun a series interest in the deep life movement,
- I’m returning to the REST API to build a variety of things that allow various WordPress instances to communicate with other instances as well as mobile applications, too,
- I’m also discovering applications that are making my day-to-day easier and more productive some of which are development related, some of which are not. And since I enjoy reading what others share, I thought it’d make sense to do the same here.
And with that:
- there’s an entire set of content I’d like to continue writing about,
- there’s content I’d love to start writing about,
- and there’s content I really don’t have an interest in writing about (either because it’s not applicable to what I do or because or what other people are doing).
I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to the daily blogging habit that I once had – I can’t say that I’m necessarily aspiring to that, anyway – but I know that as the web continues to change especially as it relates to technology, programming, and obviously WordPress, there’s no shortage of subject matter.
So rather than trying to stay rooted in something that’s starting to show it’s age, why not simply write about the things I want and let the subscribers continue to follow, those who search continue to find, and those who ask questions into all of the new AI tools we have access the content into which it’s being fed anyway 🙂.