I think of one the biggest challenges that programmers face as we become more comfortable and well-versed in our programming language(s) of choice, is that we become intimately aware of some of the more clever things we can do with the code.
For example, one feature of dynamic programming languages is that they offer anonymous functions. They’re really powerful and you can do some really cool stuff with them, especially in JavaScript; however, this always introduces a tension:
Are we writing code to be clever or are we writing code for others to understand?
Since I spend the majority of my time working with and writing about WordPress, I thought I’d share my thoughts on writing WordPress code.
Hey, It Works … It’s Alive!
When I first start writing code – and not just WordPress-specific code – but when I was really learning to write code, I felt good when I just got something working.
I didn’t care how long many lines of code it took nor did I care if I was following any sort of best practices.
I think this is relatively normal for any budding programmer. At least, I hope it is. Anyway, although getting something working is always exciting, this should never be where we stop writing code.
This is no less true when writing WordPress code. I still use the Codex daily – specifically, I still look to make sure there’s not an API function already available for something I’m about to attempt.
Get it working, then work on writing better code.
Oh, But Think of the Clock Cycles!
After I became more comfortable writing code, learning my way around the IDE, understanding how programming languages work, how processors work, etc, etc, etc., I began to try to optimize the heck out of everything. Literally, I would think
…and how many cycles will this take?
Give me a break.
At this point, especially for those of us who are writing WordPress code, we’re dealing with a web application.
- Think about the machines on which our work is running. Multi-core processors, more RAM than we could ever need, and virtually endless hard disk space.
- Remember, there is middleware WordPress and the machine – PHP. We need to do our job writing solid PHP code and let the PHP interpreter do its thing; otherwise, we could cause it to do more work than necessary.
Now this is not an excuse to be lazy or irresponsible – clearly, I care about performance – but I to make sure that we’re optimizing the right things. Clock cycles? Not so much.
Besides, the API is there for a reason. Saying that you can do it better than whatever the API offers is a bit arrogant, especially when you’re one person working with an API that thousands of people have contributed to developing.
I’m not saying it isn’t possible, but it’s highly unlikely.
The Story So Far
At this point, I think I’ve struck a pretty good balance between writing clear, maintainable code that’s considered optimal. Granted, one can only speak in terms of where he currently sits, but I know that I’m doing a better job than I was several years ago (let alone last year).
When it comes to writing WordPress code, I think there are three key things to do:
- Learn and follow the WordPress Coding Standards (especially the part on clever code)
- Write code, a lot of it, and don’t stop when your project just works. Have it code reviewed!
- Spend some time with the PHP manual learning the features of the language
The truth is, it’s absolutely possible to build products with WordPress without truly learning PHP just as it’s completely possible to write client-side applications using jQuery without truly learning JavaScript.
I’m not advocating that you learn the foundational language first, but learn it as you go. I think that will make for a better programmer.
And Finally…
At the risk of sounding cliche, it comes down to just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. And sure, developers always will, but at this point, I’m much more concerned with writing code that I can maintain for years, or to which others can contribute rather than writing some comes off as difficult to understand.
It wouldn’t be called code if it was inherently easy to understand, right?
Finally, I believe that this is why we have such a mish-mash of quality when it comes to WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, and other WordPress-based poducts:
We have developers who care more about getting something working and shipping it rather than taking the time to improve the quality of what powers the product.
For shame.
Spend time building your product and make improvements over time – you’ll have no choice but to become a better at writing WordPress code.
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