A few months ago, I completed a series of articles for Envato called The Complete Guide To The WordPress Settings API.
The purpose of the series was to walkthrough the WordPress Settings API taking a look at sections, settings, fields, and how they all fit together to properly build a WordPress project using menus, tabbed navigation, input elements, and data sanitization all of which interact properly with the WordPress database.
As part of the article, I also provided an open-source project called the WordPress Settings Sandbox that was to serve as a working demonstration of the WordPress Settings API.
The WordPress Settings API Example
Since that time and thanks to several contributors, the project has received a few updates and has also been fully localized. As such, I’m going to officially begin versioning the project and am tagging it as 1.0.
Overall, I’m excited that people have used and contributed to the project considering it was initially written as a simple demonstration for a series of blog posts.
With that said, if you’re just learning the WordPress Settings API, be sure to check it out. If you’re a developer, please consider contributing. It’s a light project and even the smallest of changes can help make this the definitive guide for budding WordPress developers.
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