One of the cool things about managing a blog that talks significantly about code is the feedback that I get based on certain code snippets I share.
Specifically, I enjoy getting comments that ask why I’ve chosen to do things a certain way versus another. Some of these examples include:
- Why have I opted to use functions rather than constants?
- Why have I chosen to use a custom query over encapsulating some built in functions?
- …and so on.
I think that for most people who manage a blog, they hope that part of what they write is contributing something positive and helpful to the Internet (this isn’t always the case, for sure).
Similarly, I think that people who engage in discussion via thoughtful comments are looking to improve on the original content.
At the risk of committing a generalization, this seems to be the case in most programming blogs. While thinking about this, it did raise a question:
What’s the top three (or two or one) thing that you’ve learned from people who comment on your blog?
Things I’ve Learned
For me, I’m fortunate enough to say that I’ve had very few trolls and have usually always had a positive experience with people who take time to leave comments.
To that end, here are three things I’ve learned (in no particular order):
- Testing and reviewing your code roughly five times before hitting the “Publish” button can do wonders; otherwise, the chance that you have an error in your code is significant and someone will catch it and mention it in a comment. This ultimately makes for writing more thoughtful code in your day-to-day work, too.
- Everyone has a preferred way of doing something, and though one way may not be better than the other in terms of performance, it may be better in terms of readability. Readability shouldn’t be underestimated in writing code (otherwise, it wouldn’t be called code, right?).
- Thoughtful comments are invaluable as you may be getting insight from someone who is far more experienced than you which ultimately results in free “tutoring” or education. It’s hard not to appreciate that.
Okay – those are mine. Your turn!
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