Every now and then, I try to offer up several giveaways or opportunities that I think will be beneficial and useful to those of you who regularly read this blog.
Today, I’m happy to be offering a pretty sweet deal from the team over at ThemeFuse.
A ThemeFuse Giveaway
For those who are looking for a place to create and host your website, ThemeFuse is offering an exclusive giveaway. In this contest, you’ll be entered to win an all-inclusive package that will give you any standard premium WordPress theme that matches your business.
You will also get one year of free domain name and hosting plan. If you already have a domain name that you like, you can stick with it – you’ll still get the hosting plan and WordPress theme.
On top of that, you don’t have to worry about the website setup. The ThemeFuse team will take care of that, too. Whether it is attaching the domain, installing the theme, or configuring the servers, they’ll handle all of it.
Once the set up is complete, you will receive your login details and you’ll be ready to roll – your website will be up and running.
For those who are interested, here is a tutorial for you to understand how to go about selecting the package:
How To Enter
Two lucky winners will get their hands on the full-package. Want to know how you can increase your chances of winning it? It’s simple: Give us one solid reason why we should choose you and tell us what you will do with the free pack in the comments bellow!
Meanwhile, you can tell your friends about the offer by liking the ThemeFuse Facebook page.
Additionally, those of you on Twitter can post the following tweet:
Win a full website (WordPress theme + 1 yr hosting + 1 free domain) @ThemeFuse #WordPress Theme from @tommcfarlin (RT to Enter).
We’ll pick the winners one week from today (that is, December 23, 2014). Good luck to those who enter – and thanks to ThemeFuse for offering up this deal!