Got a lot of resources this week:
- NetTuts published a tutorial on Building Static Sites with Jekyll which is a good alternative for building static sites without the use of a heavy CMS.
- WPTuts also shared an article on TGM Plugin Activation which is a solid plugin for baking WordPress plugins into your theme.
- Addy Osmani published a post on Smashing Magazine about jQuery Design Pattern.
- Smashing also shared my WordPress Widget Boilerplate.
- PhoneGap is a framework for developing mobile applications using HTML5 and JavaScript.
- Ryan Bates gave a Railscast on integrating Stripe into Rails applications.
- jWerty is a jQuery plugin that allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events.
- Google has rolled out a beta version (big surprise!) of Remote Desktop Sharing.
- Six Revisions ran a good article on bulletproofing font-face.
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