Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Projects (Page 3 of 32)

Posts introducing, updating, and covering various projects to which I’ve contributed or that I maintain.

Tags Without Links 1.4.0

A few years ago (as in about five years ago), I released a simple plugin called Tags Without Links. You can read the initial post, too.

In the post, I mention:

In a few recent client projects, I’ve had the need to display WordPress tags without links. Sure, this is relatively easy to do with a foreach loop, but I got tired of writing the same code.

Last week, when I signed into GitHub, I noticed that others were still forking this plugin. And since so much time has passed, there’s still utility in this plugin, and since my development style has changed so much, I opted to refactor the plugin.

Tags Without Links 1.4.0

So the latest version of Tags Without Links is available, but this post will also describe some of the changes I’ve made (for those who are interested in such).

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Easier Excerpts 1.9.0 (with Gutenberg Support)

It’s been almost three years since I released the first version of Easier Excerpts. It remains one of my simplest plugins (with Scheduled Post Shortcut being the other); however, it’s one that I dogfood the most.

Now that WordPress 5.0 is out (and, at the time of this writing, WordPress 5.0.2), Gutenberg is out, as well. And with the new editor comes a new way to write excerpts.

So, before the holiday break, I pushed an update to Easier Excerpts that has support for both editors.

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Subtitle Migration: From a Theme to a Plugin

Recently, some theme shops have been acquired by larger hosting companies. Thus, getting a copy of a theme that you want is now more difficult unless you use said host.

For those who typically read this site via RSS (or some other means), then it’s worth noting that I’ve changed this site back to a stock theme (Twentyseventeen, actually).

Subtitles Migration: A Change to Twentyseventeen

The short reason being that this is a theme that is likely to be long supported since it’s built by the team and it’s going to play well with all of the new and upstream features.

But when changing themes, I lost one of my favorite features: Subtitles. That is, each post that I wrote had its subtitle to help explain and give context to what the rest of the article was about.

I’ve been familiar with Philip Arthur Moore’s Subtitles plugin for some time.

Subtitle Migration: Moving to Subtitles

And the way the previous theme was built along with the way this plugin is built made it possible for me to write a small plugin to migrate all of the previous theme subtitles to the plugin subtitles.

Here’s how where it is, how to use it, and how it works.

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Blogging Plugins: A Survey For Bloggers

Earlier this year, I talked about launching a project to help improve the blogging process in WordPress aptly named Blogging Plugins.

Looking for a TL;DR?

I’m going to be sending out a survey to potential users very, very soon and I need you to be on the mailing list even if you’re the least bit interested.

Blogging Plugins: For a Better Blogging Experience

To join the list, you can do so on the homepage. But if you want more information, please read on!

A Note About Editors

At the time of this writing, we’re in the middle of a lot of conversations around the Classic Editor, Gutenberg, and so on.

This has nothing to do with that. If you’re coming into this reading with that mentality, relax and set it aside 🙂. This has nothing to do with what I’m going to share.

Now back to the project.

What Happened?

I’ll keep this short: Pressware had a busy year (which is not a bad thing).  I wasn’t able to devote the time I thought I was going to have to this project.

But I’ve now reorganized by schedule, developed a few foundational libraries for the sake of reuse and am planning – and have already started, really – on building out plugins.

That’s not enough, though, and – if you’re reading – this is where I need your help.

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Easier Excerpts 1.5.0

Just shy of two years ago (almost to the day, even), I first released Easier Excerpts for WordPress. It was, and still is, one of those plugins that I built for myself and ultimately decided to release for others to use.

It’s small and serves a very small improvement to the excerpt field in the post editor, but it’s something that I still use every day.

But over time, WordPress changes and improves, one’s ability to write code and build their tools changes. And that’s a lot of what went into this particular version.

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