Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Author: Tom (Page 369 of 423)

Using jQuery Confirm To Enhance Your User Interface

When it comes to building themes, plugins, and other projects on top of WordPress, I think there is room for improvement when it comes to introducing basic user interface principles.

For example, I’ll be the first to admit that there are certain things I know – such as make users confirm before completing a destructive action – that I’ve not always done regularly.

I’m significantly better at putting these things in place now than I once was, but it’s little details like this that can really set your work apart from others and that can enhance the user experience. Not to mention, a lot of this stuff is backed by research in psychology.

Anyway, I’m all for sharing various tools and utilities that help make our lives as developers a bit easier especially when it comes to improving our user interfaces.

jQuery Confirm is one such plugin.

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Understanding WordPress Actions and Filters

Understanding WordPress Actions and Filters

In my experience, one of the toughest concepts for new WordPress developers to grasp is the difference in actions and filters.

By this, I don’t mean that they are difficult to use. In fact, I think most developers have a pretty easy time picking up how to hook their functions into hooks and filters when needed, but it seems as if its a bit challenging to grasp WordPress page life cycle and how actions and filters fit into the overall context of WordPress.

So in my latest article at Envato, I try to provide a clear understanding of WordPress Actions and Filters.

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My Strategy For Organizing JavaScript in WordPress

Yesterday, I shared my strategy for using LESS in WordPress and enjoyed the comments that followed. In that post, I also mentioned that I have a similar strategy that I use to maintain my JavaScript files.

This particular aspect of development is one that I’m still experimenting with; however, there are certain aspects of it that have remained constant.

To follow up with yesterday’s post, I thought I’d share several things that I’ve consistently done that have improved development as well as some of the things that I’m currently doing that are proving to be useful.

With that said, here’s my current strategy for organizing JavaScript in WordPress.

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Writing PHP The Right Way

PHP The Right Way

Last week, I wrote two articles discussing code quality when working on WordPress-specific projects:

Both of the articles lead to good comments, links, and thoughts from you guys. Though many of us are familiar with the WordPress Coding Standards, they don’t cover everything.

Rachel Baker shared a link to PHP The Right Way – a solid resource for writing PHP-based code when the coding standards leave something to be desired.

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