Last week, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Jeff Chandler and Sarah Gooding of WP Tavern on the WordPress Weekly Podcast.
We talked about WordPress – naturally – various headlines in the WordPress community, remote working, and some other fun topics.
WordPress Weekly Episode 129
For those of you who missed it, we talked about a number of different recent headlines in the WordPress community.
As mentioned in the show notes, we discussed:
- Crowd Favorite Acquired By VeloMedia
- BuddyPress 1.9 Beta 1 Released and Ready For Testing
- 10up Sponsors Helen Hou-Sandi to Work Full-Time on WordPress Core
- Adds Support For Markdown: Is TinyMCE On Its Way Out?
- Industry Night #1 – Doug Karr From CircuPress
- WordPress Twenty Fourteen Theme Is Out in the Wild
- WordPress 3.8 Beta 1 Released: Break It If You Can
We also talked about Pressgram, 8BIT, remote working, Pressware, the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, and some of the stuff that I have going on now and what’s planned for the future.
Overall, I had a great time hanging out on the podcast, and really enjoyed chatting with Jeff and Sarah about all of the above.
In case you missed it, or if you’re interested in anything that we discussed, be sure to check out the episode!