Occasionally, I share some of the work that my team at 8BIT has been working on. Up until recently, we were focused heavily on Standard for both self-hosted blogs and for WordPress.com.

The thing is, we’re not trying to be another theme shop. In fact, our ultimate goal is to try to make the best products possible for people who consider themselves to be or who are aspiring to be digital publishers.

This may include developers and designers, but more often than not, this includes people who care about sharing their thoughts, opinions, views, and general words about any given topic.

And we want to empower them.

The challenge, though, is that we don’t always have our digital devices with us, but for anyone who has blogged for a significant amount of time realizes that inspiration or ideas can hit at any time.

To that end, we saw a need to help others take blogging notes. Friday, we officially announced, released, and began shipping #notes. Continue reading