Last week, I did a “soft launch” for the upcoming release of Mayer. “Soft launch” may even be more of an overstatement. Honestly, it was nothing more than a tweet to the landing page that I setup to prepare for the launch.
By landing page, I’m not talking about the type of pages that basically announce that a product is coming and that [may] attempt to collect an email address for when its ready.
Instead, I’m referring to product landing pages that detail the product and provide calls to action for purchasing the product, how to find more information, and/or that details features, and all of that fun stuff.
But as I’ve been thinking of additional projects that I hope to release throughout the year, I’ve been thinking about landing page consistency for products across a given brand, and how much it matters.
Landing Page Consistency
First and foremost, I talked about this a few months ago when looking at major brands and comparing some of their product landing pages against other products.
It didn’t generate as much conversation as I had hoped, but this time I’m approaching it from a much more personal angle:
In short, as I look to roll out more products under the Pressware brand throughout the year (and in the future), I’m genuinely curious as to how much it factors into a user’s experience.

The Mayer Landing Page
To be clear, here’s what I mean:
- When you land on a product’s landing page, does it look as if it belongs to a certain brand?
- If so, does it matter or not?
- Should each product have its own unique style and feel that’s more representative of the product rather than the company?
- Or is there middle ground where has the page layout is the same, but the color scheme, feature listing, and so on varies?
Personally, I tend to lean in the direction that landing page consistency is important for any given company because it helps give users a feeling of familiarity as they’re looking at the product offering.
In short, they don’t have to “learn a new page” each time they land on a page. This is something that I don’t think should be underestimated, either.
Anyway, this isn’t to say that the color scheme, screen shots, typography, and photography should be the same – that wouldn’t make sense – but the layout of the elements, descriptions, and calls to action should be consistent.
And You Think…?
I know that this falls under design and user experience neither of which I claim to know much about, which is why I’m throwing this out there for you guys, as I’m genuinely curious not only for implementing it in my own work, but as a general standard for design.
So, should products have landing page consistency, or is it acceptable to mix it up per product?
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