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I don’t talk about this much on this particular blog because it’s outside the scope of the usual content on which I try to focus, but whenever there’s something worth mentioning, I bring it up.

As such, almost a year ago, I started Dev Practices. In fact, I have a very short post introducing the site on September 16th, 2013.

I still stand by what I said in the first post:

There are two absolutely amazing things that the Internet has brought us:

1. Animated GIFs

2. Memes

And when you combine the two together, you get some seriously good stuff, right?

When I set out to create the site, I didn’t really think of it as anything else that a dumb way to have some fun for a little while.

But it grew into a just a little bit more than that.

In fact, I’ve even considered porting it to WordPress and adding a lot of new features around it. Maybe eventually, but the honest truth is that it’s just a fun site, and there are so many other things that have priority.

So I’ve tried to compromise and improve just one part of the process. For now.

Making Dev Practices Easier (And More Fun!)

The short of it is that for almost 365 consecutive days I, along with numerous other people, have kept the tumblr running for almost a year (and it’s arguably my most successful site to day. Maybe :).

It’s been a lot of fun.

As much as I’ve loved all of the contributions from other people, it’s always been a bit tedious when it comes to entering the submissions from other people. Luckily, Tumblr’s made that much easier.

Easier Dev Practices

I’ve setup a page with instructions and a Tumblr editor to make it easy for anyone to submit their own GIFs and give themselves whatever attribution that they want.

Seriously. It’s easy. Try it.

The truth is, I don’t know how long this feature has existed, but it’s going to make the process a lot easier on all of us, and it’s going to make things a lot more fun. The one stipulation is that these submissions will be moderated.

When you’re responsible for managing a site that gives other people of free reign on submitting animated GIFs with quotes, someone has to keep it civilized – at least to some degree, right?

With that said, maybe it’d be worth seeing who submits the most posts that aren’t approved. That’d make fun for another type of Tumblr wouldn’t it?


Now go submit some dev practices – that page was made for you!