Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Tag: Composer

The Most Useful (Or Popular) Articles From 2022

I don’t normally do retrospectives for each year for products, posts, work, or anything.

Given that I didn’t write as much as I have in years passed, I thought I’d share what the most popular articles I’ve shared over the last year in hopes of both of surfacing some older content but also setting the tone for the coming year.

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How To Downgrade Composer, PHP, and NPM

TL;DR: If you’re working on a variety of projects each of which requires different versions of PHP, Composer, and/or NPM you may need to change the version of all or any permutation of any of these utilities.

This article outlines what steps need to be taken to downgrade Composer, PHP, or NPM when working on any given project.

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