Software Engineering in WordPress, PHP, and Backend Development

Category: Articles (Page 218 of 256)

Personal opinions and how-to’s that I’ve written both here and as contributions to other blogs.

The WordPress Theme Customizer: When Live Preview Doesn’t Work

I’m currently working on a lengthy set of articles that are intended to provide an in-depth look at the WordPress Theme Customizer. Yes, there has been a lot of material already written on this subject.

Some of the best articles are:

And though I’ve done work with the Theme Customizer in the past, there have been a few gotchas that I’ve found when trying to work with the customer starting from the ground up.

I don’t plan to document them all here, but if you happen to be working with the Theme Customizer and you’re specifically trying to get the “Live Preview” function working and it’s not, perhaps this will help.

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Blogging is Narcissistic (Except When It’s Not)

One of the things that’s becoming more and more common is that certain critics are claiming that we’re becoming more and more of a narcissistic society with our constant sharing of things on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, and so on.

I don’t know if I observation really holds water or not – rarely are things black and white, so I’m sure it’s true in some cases – but I’ve never really considered blogging in and of itself of be narcissistic.

This isn’t to say it can’t be, but I don’t think that it – as a medium – is meant to feed that particular aspect of the human condition.

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Please Stop Using doing_it_wrong

I’ll be the first to admit that I love memes and that I love picking on some of my closest developer buddies – some of them live a few miles down the road, some of them live hundreds (or even thousands) of miles away.

We all work in a variety of different technologies in a variety of different cultures. Some of us are self-employed, some of us work for non-profits, some of us work for small businesses, and some of us work for large corporations.

But the one thing that we all have in common is that we love to code.

Applications Love Code

Give it to ’em. Give it to ’em good.

And, honestly, the majority of the people with whom I interact with on Twitter are programmers, too. Generally speaking, I wouldn’t have read half the stuff I’ve read online were it not for someone else sharing a link to their – or someone else’s – stuff.

The Internet is awesome like that, you know.

With all of that said, one thing that I can’t stand seeing is someone telling someone is that they are `doing_it_wrong` outside of talking with their personal friends, or their friends that they chat with online.

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Sending Data on POST with WordPress

The title of this particular article is somewhat misleading as it has nothing to do with sending an email upon creating a new post in WordPress, but actually whenever the HTTP `POST` action has occurred.

Additionally, the methodology describing below isn’t relegated to just sending emails – it can be used when any data needs to be managed upon a `POST` request. This includes sending emails, serializing data to the database, evaluating information to be presented on the next page view, or whatever else.

Of course, one of the best ways to actually demonstrate how to do something is to give some practical example, so for all intents and possible, I’m going to show how to structure a project using the event-driven model of WordPress to send an email upon a `POST` request.

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Write For WPTuts+ – Here’s How, Here’s Why

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One of the things that I’m most passionate about as it relates to software is education. This is why I spent a significant portion of my week blogging both here and on other sites, as well.

In short, I think the Internet has given us as all an amazing vehicle for a variety of things – obviously – the least of which is not helping others to move further, faster in the direction that they’d like to take their career.

This is one reason why I try to write for WPTuts+ and why I always recommend others do the same, if they have the time.

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