[…] a few exceptions that I’ve made in the work specifically when it revolves around large select elements (multiselect or no). That is, I’m a big fan of Select2 – I’ve written about it a couple of times and how I’ve used it in a couple of projects. Because this is something that I regularly use, and […]
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[…] can introduce a new element into my plugin that will enhance the user experience all the while maintaining the native WordPress experience, is it acceptable? For Example, Select2 This is a simple example as it deals with a single, common element with which we’re all aware, and it deals with a common problem which […]
[…] with UI component libraries in WordPress, I usually look to jQuery UI. Sure, there are some components that are dated (and there are others I like such as Select2), but given that… jQuery is bundled with WordPress, jQuery UI is included in the application and can be easily enqueued, it’s a tried and trusted library, […]